We are able to change your watch broken glass from cracks, accidental drops and many more.
Our watchmakers have the special training, skills and tools needed for any kind battery replacements. We have various selections of the battery from economical to the premium choice.
Cleaning involves removing visible accumulated grease and dust from your watch’s exterior, we provide special cleaning liquid for leather to metal.
Polishing often removes minor scratch and dents. Polish is perfect restoring the “brand-new” shine to your watch.
Your watch uses combination of delicate and complex cogs and gears for it to operate like any other mechanicals eventually, it is a wear and tear item.
Just like a car, an oftenly used mechanical device requires service and maintenance over time. A strategic service and maintenance can prolong the life of your watch.
Watch straps are considered fashion accessories, whether strap that matches the fashion or weather appropriate, our stores have it covered!